Getting the help you need to achieve as full a recovery as possible after suffering a work-related injury can be challenging, to say the least. It doesn't make it any easier that so much misinformation circulates regarding the workers' compensation process in...

Proud To Protect Injured Workers
Bosch Law Firm, Ltd.
How will you navigate benefits claims if you are incapacitated?
After suffering a severe workplace injury, you may have many questions and concerns. Some of those may be: How will you take care of your family? How long will it be before you can return to work? How will you pay your mortgage? Will workers' compensation benefits...
Repetitive stress injuries and workers’ compensation
Any Minnesota employee who suffers an injury on the job has the right to seek workers' compensation benefits. This right also extends to workers who suffer repetitive stress injuries or conditions exacerbated by their job requirements. If you are suffering from an...
FAQs about workers’ compensation
A million different questions may go through your head after being injured at work. Dealing with the injury itself presents stress on top of making sure you are ok, treating your injuries, and figuring out what to do next. For those who have sustained a workplace...
Life after worker’s comp: Are there financial options?
It wasn't your fault you got hurt at work, and it has caused some serious problems. Not only is it affecting your relationships with your family, but your financial resources are quickly dwindling. You can't live on 60 percent of your former earnings--so what are you...
Mesothelioma on the Iron Range: A workers’ comp issue
Mesothelioma is a fatal lung disease linked to asbestos exposure. A University of MN study, cited in Minnpost, notes a long latency period, with diagnosis often occurring 20-50 years after exposure. Minnesota Iron Range workers are diagnosed with it at nearly three...
In hot Minnesota summers heat can be an issue for workers
Working in the heat can be a danger, but there are ways to reduce the risk. Knowing how to recognize the signs of heat stress and how to prevent the condition are both very important. If you're injured due to heat stress while working you may have a legal case, but...
How to avoid having your workers’ compensation claim denied
If you are injured at your workplace, it is advisable that you apply for workers' compensation benefits in order to be compensated for the medical bills and other financial losses you sustained because of the injury. However, your claim may be denied for a number of...
When it comes to workers’ comp benefits, there are no guarantees
Every year, thousands of Minnesota workers suffer injuries at work. If you're one of these workers, you're likely to have many questions and concerns about what you should do. Thankfully, if you suffer an injury at work, you are entitled to receive workers'...
Can’t do your old job anymore? A new career may be the answer.
You've worked hard over the years to develop your skills and advance in your career. Now, a workplace injury has changed everything. You can no longer perform the job you used to do, and you aren't qualified for any other position. What now? The good news is that...