Proud To Protect Injured Workers

Photo of attorney Gerald W. Bosch

Proud To Protect Injured Workers

Straightforward Help With Workers’ Compensation For Minnesota Workers

If your workers’ compensation claim, filed after a serious workplace accident that injured you, has been denied – or your wage and medical benefits have been slow in coming – Bosch Heacox Law Firm can help. For more than 25 years of successful workers’ compensation practice, attorney Gerald W. Bosch has focused solely on serving the legal needs of injured workers in the Twin Cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis and throughout Minnesota.

As a devoted workers’ compensation lawyer, he is committed to ensuring that his clients are paid all of the benefits they are entitled to as a result of their injuries on the job. He takes a no-nonsense approach to workers’ compensation, cutting through the legal jargon to explain your rights and guide you through your options. Gerald also works on a contingency fee basis and does not charge anything unless he recovers benefits for you.

We Handle All Work-Related Injury Claims

Our workers’ compensation lawyers have handled cases involving virtually every kind of work-related and third-party accident and every body part that can be injured. We have fought for our clients’ rights to receive medical benefits to treat those injuries, including selecting excellent doctors and obtaining approval for examinations, physical therapy, injections, surgery and pain clinics. We can also advocate for your vocational rehabilitation if you can no longer perform your previous duties and require a transition to another profession.

Mr. Bosch is highly knowledgeable in all aspects of workers’ compensation, including complex matters involving catastrophic injuries, as well as death and dependency benefits and workers’ compensation for immigrants.

Experienced Workers’ Compensation Lawyer In St. Paul, Minnesota

Our firm handles every aspect of your workers’ compensation benefits claim after a job accident that causes:

  • Neck and back disk injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Lifting injuries
  • Repetitive stress injuries
  • Loss of hearing and vision
  • Amputation
  • Paralysis
  • Scarring and disfigurement

Workers’ compensation claims extend to all accidents that occur in the line of your work. A few common examples include construction site accidents, slip-and-fall mishaps and car accidents in a company vehicle. However, conditions that develop after several years, such as repetitive stress injuries or mesothelioma, are also covered by workers’ compensation insurance. In recent years, mental health issues, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), that develop as a result of your job can also result in workers’ compensation benefits.

Answers To Your Workers’ Compensation Questions

At Bosch Heacox Law Firm, we understand that dealing with a workplace injury can be overwhelming. You probably have a lot of questions about what comes next, especially when it comes to obtaining workers’ compensation benefits. That’s why our team has provided clear, easy-to-understand answers to the most common questions our clients have.

Whether you’re unsure about the workers’ compensation process or what to do if you’re denied benefits, we can offer you guidance. Let’s tackle these questions together and make sure you have the information you need.

Do I Need An Attorney For My Workers’ Compensation Claim?

The work a lawyer can do for you can help ensure you avoid mistakes during your application process. They can also help you secure compensation from third parties, and their work can speed up the process that it takes to receive your compensation overall.

What Does Workers’ Compensation Cover?

Workers’ compensation benefits cover the many expenses that you may incur as a result of a workplace injury or illness. These expenses may include:

  • Emergency room bills
  • Doctors’ visits
  • Future medical bills
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Lost wages
  • Vocational training

The value of your workers’ compensation benefits depends on the many unique factors of your case. For example, the severity of your injury and how much of an impact it has on your ability to work. In addition, if someone passes away due to a workplace accident, their surviving loved ones may have the right to recover death benefits. These benefits cover the income that the decedent would have earned had they not passed away.

What Should You Do After You Sustain An Injury At Work?

It is essential to do these five things after getting hurt on the job:

  • Report the incident to your employer immediately.
  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible.
  • Inform the doctor that you were injured at work and what hurts.
  • Have your doctor write work restrictions that you can provide to your employer.
  • Follow your doctor’s recommendations, both in terms of treatment recommendations and in terms of physical restrictions.

Additionally, reach out to Bosch Heacox Law Firm, to confirm that your claim is being handled properly. There is no charge for your initial consultation and you will not pay any attorney fees unless there is a recovery of disputed benefits as a result of our involvement.

What Happens If The Insurer Denies Your Benefits?

Unfortunately, many Minnesota workers are denied workers’ compensation benefits when they first apply for them. The insurer may deny the entire injury, certain body parts or your entitlement to available workers’ compensation benefits like wage loss benefits or medical treatment. You are entitled to file a claim for these benefits; to protect your access to them, you must act quickly. The process to obtain payment of benefits can be confusing, complicated and difficult to do on your own. The insurance company has lawyers on its side; you should, too.

Do You Have To Treat With A Company Doctor?

In most cases, an injured worker is free to choose his or her own doctor. Even if you have been treated with the employer/insurer’s doctor on several occasions, you may still be able to choose your own doctor for a second opinion and a change of physician. Contact us to ensure you get the medical care you need from the health care providers you choose.

What Is An IME (Independent Medical Examination)?

An independent medical examination (“IME”) is really an adverse medical examination requested by the workers’ compensation insurer with a physician of its choice.

The doctor conducting the evaluation is not there to provide you with medical treatment; he or she is solely there to give the insurance company his or her opinion regarding the issues involved with your case such as:

  • Whether your injury is work-related
  • The nature and extent of the injury
  • Whether you need restrictions
  • Whether you need additional medical care
  • Whether you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI)
  • Whether you have a ratable permanent partial disability

This is a very important event in your case and can have a significant impact on your claim for additional benefits. You should contact us to seek immediate advice upon receipt of notice of an independent medical examination.

Do I Need To Pay Out-Of-Pocket For Medical Treatment And Can I Be Reimbursed For Travel Expenses?

Medical treatment expense is paid by the workers’ compensation insurer directly to your doctors, therapists and pharmacists. Typically, there are no out-of-pocket expenses.

If you do pay for something out of pocket, like a prescription or a crutch or TENS units and supplies, the workers’ compensation insurer must reimburse you. You are also reimbursed for your reasonable expenses incurred to obtain medical treatment such as mileage, parking expenses, and cab or bus fares. Keep accurate records and submit the records to your insurer for reimbursement.

After An On-The-Job Injury, Contact A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer For A Free Consultation

For prompt, honest answers to your questions and access to our attorney’s knowledgeable guidance throughout the legal process, call us right now at 651-333-8300. You may also send us an email. Our contingency fee policy means that you owe no attorney fee unless you receive the wage and medical benefits you deserve. We serve clients in the Twin Cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis and throughout Minnesota.